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Dear All, These are my answers from Quora and primarily Google; please check the answer and from others sites; the answers are free and without any liability.To make a decision, write down all of the positives and negatives on a piece of paper.Thank you,

Elias Katsaniotis, MSc


Viktoria Katsanioti,




0 votes

Is it hard to learn GitHub?

in Gt/github by (95.8k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Github is easy to use for beginners. In fact, you'll only need to know a few Git commands to learn how to push code to GitHub. If you already know Git, GitHub will be a breeze but it will be a bit harder if you don't know Git. Getting on GitHub can be a game-changer for you as a new or aspiring developer.

by (95.8k points)