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How do I install WordPress on shared hosting?
in WordPress by (46.5k points)

1 Answer

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you can install or with Cpanel or another GUI

or mannualy

  1. Extract the . ...
  2. Use FTP to upload the contents of the extracted wordpress directory to the public_html directory of your A2 Hosting account. ...
  3. Use cPanel to create a MySQL database and database user for WordPress. ...
  4. Click Create a Configuration File.

To FTP you may use Filezilla

What is the purpose of using FileZilla?

FileZilla is a utility for transferring files to or from a remote computer by a standard method known as FTP (File Transfer Protocol). FileZilla is open source software that is installed and runs on Windows and Linux computers in the college; a Mac OS version is available.

by (46.5k points)