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Dear All, These are my answers from Quora and primarily Google; please check the answer and from others sites; the answers are free and without any liability.To make a decision, write down all of the positives and negatives on a piece of paper.Thank you,

Elias Katsaniotis, MSc


Viktoria Katsanioti,




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How many products can WooCommerce handle?
in WordPress by (95.8k points)

1 Answer

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Technically, WooCommerce doesn’t impose a limit on the number of products you can add to your Ecommerce site. However, that doesn’t mean you can add millions of products to your site and still expect the same website speed, loading time, and performance.

How Many Products Can WooCommerce Handle?
WooCommerce is great for new Ecommerce stores with a few hundred products. But is it scalable enough to sell tens of thousands of products? Read more.

But there are limits depending on Hardware and Net limitations.

by (95.8k points)