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How do you use an if/else statement with the_category (categories, WordPress)?
in WordPress by (95.8k points)

1 Answer

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use is_category()   see

is_category() | Function | WordPress Developer Resources

Determines whether the query is for an existing category archive page.


also see

Constructing An if Statement with is_category(); in archive.php (WordPress)

I am trying to use an if statement with is_category() in order to build a bigger piece of code later. I can't get the code to recognize the if statement though. Basically below I've posted the coding


  • if(is_category()) { 
  • echo "category!"; 

    also see

    the_category if/else statement

    I need to do the following: The sense if I have a class dportfolio - show a category dportfolio. Otherwise show usual category. I use: if ( class_exists( 'DPortfolio' ) ) { echo DPortfolio::


    I need to do the following: The sense if I have a class dportfolio - show a category dportfolio. Otherwise show usual category.

    I use:

    • if ( class_exists( 'DPortfolio' ) ) { 
    • echo DPortfolio::instance()->dportfolio_get_category(); 
    • }; ?> 
      by (95.8k points)