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0 votes
How will I achieve building a bilingual (English/Swahili) website with Joomla, such that if the user/visitor is on page "X", can click the option for a new language and the content automatically switches to new language?
in Joomla by (46.5k points)

1 Answer

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official doc

Setup a Multilingual Site
Tutorial How to setup a Multilingual Joomla! Site Joomla! allows you to create easily a multilingual website, without having to install any third party extension. In this tutorial, you’ll find a complete walkthrough of the steps involved in creating a multilingual Joomla! site.

step by step instructions

Step by step tutorial for creating a multilingual Joomla site
Joomla is a widely popular CMS used by millions of websites around the world. The content management system offers a huge number of features and...
by (46.5k points)