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Dear All, These are my answers from Quora and primarily Google; please check the answer and from others sites; the answers are free and without any liability.To make a decision, write down all of the positives and negatives on a piece of paper.Thank you,

Elias Katsaniotis, MSc


Viktoria Katsanioti,




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in WordPress by (46.5k points)

1 Answer

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WP Security Tasks and Plugins 

There are some security tasks that we have to implement.

1) During the installation change the Admin user name or after the installation use a plugin to perform the task.

2) During the installation change the default prefix of the tables of the database, you can do later with a plugin.

3) Limit the login attempts by using a plugin or a security plugin like Wordfence

4) use a plugin that informs you when a file changes on the disk

5) use the recommended file and folder permissions from WordPress (default)

6) use a plugin to change to path MYSITE/wp-admin to another path so the hacker is not going to know from where to log in

7)use a firewall

8) update the plugins, the theme, and the core WordPress regularly (always BACKUP AND THEN UPDATE)

9) scan WordPress for malware and bugs

10) delete not used plugins and themes

11) use a plugin for SQL Injection

12) Backup the site often

There are plugins that search the site for bugs, or even check is security level, use them.

Security Plugins

There are a lot, for me the best is wordfence It has a FREE and PAID option.

WP Passwords

1) Use a strong password, usually, a phrase with numbers and special chars like

we are all Greeks --> w3Are)allGr33k@ (do not use this)

2) use captcha, you know the user after the password must enter some letters, numbers or both or even answer to a question or choose from icons e.t.c

WP white screen

WP white screen

This is a very interesting article about WordPress White Screen. It is good to read it.

1) You must take a backup

2) you make the updates

3) if you have White Screen and YOU CAN, restore the site from the previous backup

4) if you can not restore you must and you are locked out of the site

  1. go to the wp-content/plugins and
  2. remove or rename the plugin that you added or
  3. rename the plugins to plugins1, then all plugins are going to be disabled

If you can log in or you are in step 3

or create a new dir plugin

or from the Admin Gui disable all plugins

Then try to move one plugin at a time to the new plugin dir

or activate one plugin at a time from Dashboard

Every time check if you have a White Screen.

The moment that you will see the White Screen. it will be a fraction of the time after the activation of the plugin that creates the conflict.

I hope to never have White Screen, but in case you have you must know the above.

by (46.5k points)